Monday, April 27, 2015

Lesson Plan One- Symmetry Monsters

Symmetry Monsters
Pre K- 2
Begin by folding a piece of white paper down the middle, hotdog or hamburger style. This is the line of symmetry. With paint draw one half of a monster; ex: furry body, horn, arm and leg. While the paint is still wet refold the paper, transferring the paint and creating a perfectly symmetrical monster. Add googly eyes and name your monster!

·         Paper
·         Paint
·         Cups to hold the paint
·         Paintbrushes
·         Googly Eyes
·         Glue
·         Newspaper or garbage bags to cover desks

After completing this lesson students will be able to…
·         Recognize lines of symmetry.
·         Experiment with color.
·         Create an image using shapes.

Visual Arts Standards Addressed:
·         Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials.
·         Engage collaboratively in creative art-making in response to an artistic problem.
·         Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.
·         Engage in self-directed, creative making.
Other Standards Addressed:

·         Symmetry: Being made up of exactly the same parts.
·         Line of Symmetry: The line of which an image is flipped over to appear symmetrical.
·         Knowledge of the color wheel/ primary colors
o   Covered in a lesson done the week before.
20-25 min – Introduce line of symmetry

·         Symmetry: Being made up of exactly the same parts.
·         Line of Symmetry: The line of which an image is flipped over to appear symmetrical.
o   Point out that the human face is symmetrical.
·         Pull up slides of symmetrical artwork.
o   Call up students sitting quietly to point out the line of symmetry.
·         Briefly explain activity
o   Start by having the student fold their paper down the middle
§  Hotdog or hamburger style
o   Explain that this will be their line of symmetry for the monsters they are about to create
·         Demonstrate to only paint the body of your monster on one side of the paper
o   Make sure to include arms, legs, ears and horns
o   Make sure the students know to use enough paint so that it will transfer to the other side when they fold the paper again.
·         Fold demonstration, showing the whole monster and pointing out line of symmetry.
o   Tell students when they are done they can add googly eyes and create a background.
·         Assign helpers to pass out cups with paint and paint brushes.

30-35 min -- Time for the kids to create!

·         Walk around as the students are working passing out the googly eyes (no more than 4 each)
o   Answer questions as needed
o   Help avoid spills and messes
·         Help the kids name their monsters and create a simple background
o   Trees, rocks, grass etc.

10-15 min – Clean up time

·         Assign a place for the kids to place their monsters to dry
·         Assign groups to pick up paint, paintbrushes, googly eyes and newspaper
·         Line kids up to wash their hands in the bathroom once the class is clean


For this assignment I will have a formative assessment where I will have the students point out lines of symmetry in other artworks.

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