Monday, April 27, 2015

Alien Names

Alien Names

I thought this project was so fun that I ended up teaching my roommates how to do it and we now make anyone who comes over make one. We have about 20 hanging on our fridge!

I started by writing my name on a purple piece of paper, I chose to write my name in print first.
I traced the space around my name and in between the r and the h. 
I decided which end of my alien I wanted to be the head. My alien was stacked and round so I decided he would be made of a jelly substance. Because I made my alien jelly like, I made my planet rough and sharp; my alien is jelly so it can move easily over the rough terrain. 
Part of this project was to recognize fore,mid and background. To do this I used red mesh and crumpled tinfoil.

The art side of this project is quite simple. It's the imaginative part that makes this project a huge learning opportunity.
Once students have created their name alien it is up to them to decide what it is going to look like and where it is going to live. The students could create this environment through art and writing, they could even present it to the class. 
This project is perfect for integration with other subjects.

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